PC150039 Jump Train, originally uploaded by bchapman26.
I helped set up Mommy's train from when she was little. I get to play with it every day!
I practice jumping as much as I can. :)
The sound on our video camera isn't working...
I helped set up Mommy's train from when she was little. I get to play with it every day!
I practice jumping as much as I can. :)
The sound on our video camera isn't working...
We went to Ohio for Thanksgiving and I got to play in the snow! I also had Christmas #1, so I'll be an old pro at opening presents for Christmas #2 in December!
Last week, mommy and I flew to New York to help Grandpa Dave pick grapes. After Grandpa finished making wine, Grandma and Grandpa took me sightseeing in the city!
Mommy gave me my first lesson in smelling spices. I can now identify red curry powder, allspice, and cardamon.
I decide to change shoes multiple times most mornings. I should take lessons from Aunt Sarah and Auntie Carmen!
I've been keeping mommy and daddy busy chasing me, so I haven't been able to post in a while.
In June we went camping in San Diego. I got to play in the dirt and see lots of animals at Sea World!
My birthday present to mommy was a very important new word in my vocabulary: 'NO!' I have completely stopped saying 'yes' now, but I often run around the house saying 'happy, happy, happy!' I am also good at saying 'please' when I want something.
Every week mommy takes me to the farm to pick up our CSA vegetables. I get to watch the chickens, talk to the goats, run around the fields, and eat strawberries. This week there was a silly ducky stuck on the roof of the barn- I thought he was very funny.
Our most exciting news is that I have a brand new baby cousin! Baby Andrew was born on Tuesday, August 4. I hope to get to meet him this weekend- I have been practicing taking care of the babies at day care to get ready for him!
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit me for two whole weeks! We played lots of games and went for lots of walks. Grandpa made me a rocking horse!
I love toddeling on my inside bike, riding my tricycle that mommy pushes, and hanging out in my trailer behind daddy's bike!
Hi! I jumped into this world determined to start my own blog.