Sunday, December 20, 2009


PC150039 Jump Train, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

I helped set up Mommy's train from when she was little. I get to play with it every day!

I practice jumping as much as I can. :)

The sound on our video camera isn't working...


IMG_4255, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

We went to Ohio for Thanksgiving and I got to play in the snow! I also had Christmas #1, so I'll be an old pro at opening presents for Christmas #2 in December!

Friday, November 6, 2009


PB060009 Peek a Who, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

'Peek a Who?' by Nina Laden

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My first grape harvest

PA050067, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

Last week, mommy and I flew to New York to help Grandpa Dave pick grapes. After Grandpa finished making wine, Grandma and Grandpa took me sightseeing in the city!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sensory Scientist in the Making

P9090054 spice drawer, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

Mommy gave me my first lesson in smelling spices. I can now identify red curry powder, allspice, and cardamon.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


P8280003 Shoes, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

I decide to change shoes multiple times most mornings. I should take lessons from Aunt Sarah and Auntie Carmen!

Monday, August 10, 2009

My New Cousin!

We drove down to Fresno to visit baby Andrew this weekend! He is so cute! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Keeping mommy and daddy busy...

P7270050 Dancing, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

I've been keeping mommy and daddy busy chasing me, so I haven't been able to post in a while.

In June we went camping in San Diego. I got to play in the dirt and see lots of animals at Sea World!

My birthday present to mommy was a very important new word in my vocabulary: 'NO!' I have completely stopped saying 'yes' now, but I often run around the house saying 'happy, happy, happy!' I am also good at saying 'please' when I want something.

Every week mommy takes me to the farm to pick up our CSA vegetables. I get to watch the chickens, talk to the goats, run around the fields, and eat strawberries. This week there was a silly ducky stuck on the roof of the barn- I thought he was very funny.

Our most exciting news is that I have a brand new baby cousin! Baby Andrew was born on Tuesday, August 4. I hope to get to meet him this weekend- I have been practicing taking care of the babies at day care to get ready for him!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Grandma & Grandpa Ahlgren's visit

MVI_0621 Rocking Horse II, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit me for two whole weeks! We played lots of games and went for lots of walks. Grandpa made me a rocking horse!

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Bike

Toddle Bike, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

I love toddeling on my inside bike, riding my tricycle that mommy pushes, and hanging out in my trailer behind daddy's bike!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Water Park

Mommy ran through the sprinklers with me at the water park this morning. Then I was brave and ran through all by myself!

P5170009 Water Park, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


We went to the street fair last week and a fireman gave me a hat!

P5090013 Dance, originally uploaded by bchapman26.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Chatting on the Phone

Feeding my Baby Dolls

A new baby started coming to daycare at Teresa's house a few weeks ago. I've been practicing at home by taking care of my baby dolls.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Auntie Tina

Auntie Tina came to visit me all the way from Indiana. We went to the zoo, played at the park, rode bikes, read books, and chatted.

Auntie Tina read me her favorite book- Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss.

Bath Toys


I love going to Trader Joe's with mommy- I get to bring home a balloon!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Science Museum

I met Emilia at the Academy of Sciences last weekend.

Helping Daddy

Daddy lets me help out in the garage.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sign Language is so cool!

Yesterday, mom was carrying me around on her hip as she was cleaning up. I didn't want to watch mom clean up- I wanted to watch remote controlled airplanes out the window! I tapped mom on the shoulder, signed 'airplane,' and I didn't even have to scream!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Running to the Phone

I surprised mom and dad yesterday with this...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Shoes and hugs

Mommy can keep me busy trying to understand words...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Slurping Spaghetti

Mommy sometimes lets me make a big mess with rice spaghetti!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My First Birthday!

Today was great! Mommy made apple cupcakes last night- I got to eat one for breakfast (shhhhh- don't tell mommy)...

then I went to Teresa's and ate more cupcakes... then I came home and opened presents...

then I ate spaghetti and more cupcakes with FROSTING...

then I had a bath! What a day!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bath Time and Swimming

I like playing in the bathtub.

I got to swim in mommy's tummy. This is us two days before I was born.

One year later...

Someday I'll swim too!

Monday, January 19, 2009

First Steps (sort of...)

I let go to take one step yesterday to grab a book and two steps today to get Daddy. It doesn't really count as walking yet, but I am getting closer...

I spent the morning waving and saying 'hi' to the giraffes, elephants, zebras, and sheep at the Oakland zoo.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Walker Progress

I have been practicing with Nana's walker toy for the last two weeks- I can change directions now!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Nana let me borrow a walker toy to play with. Emilia taught me how to use it yesterday.

New Year's Eve Party

I threw a New Year's Eve party for my playgroup friends. We played with lots of toys and practiced scooting, crawling, and walking (with a walker toy). I was asleep by 7:30.