Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My First Birthday!

Today was great! Mommy made apple cupcakes last night- I got to eat one for breakfast (shhhhh- don't tell mommy)...

then I went to Teresa's and ate more cupcakes... then I came home and opened presents...

then I ate spaghetti and more cupcakes with FROSTING...

then I had a bath! What a day!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bath Time and Swimming

I like playing in the bathtub.

I got to swim in mommy's tummy. This is us two days before I was born.

One year later...

Someday I'll swim too!

Monday, January 19, 2009

First Steps (sort of...)

I let go to take one step yesterday to grab a book and two steps today to get Daddy. It doesn't really count as walking yet, but I am getting closer...

I spent the morning waving and saying 'hi' to the giraffes, elephants, zebras, and sheep at the Oakland zoo.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Walker Progress

I have been practicing with Nana's walker toy for the last two weeks- I can change directions now!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Nana let me borrow a walker toy to play with. Emilia taught me how to use it yesterday.

New Year's Eve Party

I threw a New Year's Eve party for my playgroup friends. We played with lots of toys and practiced scooting, crawling, and walking (with a walker toy). I was asleep by 7:30.